What is Internet?



‘Internet’ is the short form of the International Network. It has several names in the current scenario as The Net, The Web, The Matrix, The Data Sphere, Information Super Highway, and The Electronic Frontier.

Internet is used to connect electronically with computers of different parts of the world as a means of communication. In ’90s internet became so popular and today 35-40% of the total population use the Internet in the World. It clearly signifies the importance of a new communication device or medium.

History of the Internet

Today the internet plays a significant role in the day to day affairs of the society. Even in rural areas, people use the internet for exchange of information in India. From last some years, the exam results of Central and State Level examinations were published on the Internet. It shows the hints about the scope and importance of the Internet in India.

Now the Internet influences the lifestyle and culture of the masses in India. We can now surf for Cinema Tickets to Tour Programs, Railway Booking to Bus Booking. Internet is a wide canvas having information about each and everything in the World.

Advantageous are so many as disadvantageous. Internet is discovered for better communication and information sharing.

Uses of Internet


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