What is E-mail?

What is E-mail? The most popular service of Internet is the email facility. The importance of Internet has increased with the introduction of this facility. Email has become a challenge to the postal and telephone services. We can send email to anyone having an email address (ID) through a computer with the Internet Connection.

Now we will discuss about the facility of email. We can send a typed letter or a picture or both as email. The pictures take more time to send which means that pictures are more expensive to send through email. Another benefit of email is that it is less expensive. It has got all the services provided by postal department but it is less expensive when compared to postal services. Even when we send a letter to a foreign country the expense will be only that of a local call.

The receiver of the email need not be near the computer because the email we send is kept in the inbox of the email account. The receiver can open the email account and receive the message whenever he desires.

The email provides the facility of sending the same message to many addresses. This facility is known as BCC (Blind Carbon Copy).

Strikes, Hartaal, Bandhs etc. won’t affect the email. Any time you can send or receive an email. Like Postal department there is also facility for sending back any email which is not required by us.
The important messages can be stored in the inbox for a long period.
Email is much faster than postal services. Since the email is a typed message, it is easily readable than the hand written letters.
With a printer connected to the computer we can take print out of the email message.

We can send fax through a computer with the help of the Internet. Many websites provide this facility. Fax machine is not required for this. There are softwares like Bitwear Fax, Faximail for sending fax using modem and computer, without the Internet Connection.
