Bandwidth & Hacking

Bandwidth: The amount of information that can be carried by a channel is called bandwidth. When more people use the Internet at a time, the cable with low bandwidth becomes slow in the transfer of information. The higher the bandwidth the more is the amount of the data that can be transferred.

More connectivity and more bandwidth are required for E-commerce. The cabling in all countries is done in private sector. Only in India, cabling is the monopoly of the Government. The Policy of Government is changing and many companies have informed their willingness to invest in this field. Presently the maximum available bandwidth is 165MB per second which is lesser than the bandwidth provided by even underdeveloped countries in Africa.

Hacking: The spy who enters into a confidential data, software or website belonging to other people through Internet is called ‘Hacker’.

Even in India, so many times the hackers troubled many sites. Hacking is done in many countries in the computer network for getting confidential data from the department of defense.  The consequences of hacking are very high. The hackers earn millions of dollars by selling confidential information they receive by hacking. Now almost all countries have made legislation to regulate cyber crimes. But the lawyers are doubtful whether this can be controlled by drafting law. There are differences of opinion in establishing these legislations.  


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