Diabetes is one of the commonest medical disorders. The disease has no age barriers - it can strike 15 days old infants and show up in persons as old as 65 years. The disease cannot be cured, only controlled through medications. That is one reason why the diagnosis can leave many patients shattered. Studies reveal that one in every 10 Indians above the age of Forty could be a diabetic. One is indeed lucky if the disorder is diagnosed early as steps can be taken to prevent related complications setting in. Even though there is not any sure fire cure for diabetes one can to lead a normal and active life like anybody else. The disease is dissimilar from other disorders in that a proper control of diabetes warrants active involvement of the patient.

Diabetes is a condition where an excess of glucose, which is nothing but sugar, occurs in the blood. Though sugar is required to provide energy for the body, a surplus of it creates problem. In a normal person the food is digested and converted into glucose. The glucose is carried by the blood to all body cells. The glucose is used as a fuel by the cells to produce energy.

In a person affected by diabetics, there will be a high level of sugar in blood as they have insufficient or no supply of insulin. The hormone insulin is produced by the endocrine part of the pancreas located in the little islands of cells near the stomach, called Islets of Langerhans named after Paul Langerhans who discovered these cells.

This hormone helps sugar enter the body cells, the site of utilization. In fact, insulin acts as a key that opens the doors of the cells to allow in the sugar. In the absence or low levels of insulin, the sugar cannot get into the cells and this increases the level of the sugar in blood.


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