The methods applied in the pressure-motions and the passive extensions and contractions of muscular parts which are the principal operations of massage. This is often necessitated by the location and condition of the parts to which these operations are applied. 

besides, the degree of force applied, the extent of the motions, the order in which successive operations are employed, the variations in the application processes will often depend on the intention of the operator and his / her conception of the nature of the case, in relation to effects desired. 

Occasions for varying the nature, all these circumstances afford. The order, the method of processes, demand intelligence, quick perception and practical tact on the part of the operator is essential. 

Some of most important rules of massage is giving here under:

1. Massage should be applied at such regular daily time as suits the mutual convenience of patient and operator, whatever the nature or location of the disease.Don't be irregular. Irregularity is always an embarrassment of the physiological system. There are some exceptions to this regularity, that temporary illness as transient fever etc.

2. Massage is by no means a continuous process, extending over the whole body as such applications might be hygienic, but not medical. It is the purpose of massage to increase and perfect nutritive activity in special designated parts, which implies unequal distribution of its processes.

3. The commencing processes should usually be at the extremities, more frequently the lower. It corresponds to the natural habit and requirements of the healthy organism. Operations for the lower limps should alternate with those for the upper, the trunk being approached by stages. 

4. The massage processes should be brief, each requiring one or two minutes only. 

5. During the interval the patient lies in an easy position and it should be five to ten minutes are usually necessary.

6. Unnatural and unhealthy irritability of diseased portions is diminished by artificial increase of irritability by massage of contiguous and even distant parts. So very sensitive parts should be entirely omitted.

7. The parts by localized disease must always be approached gradually and tentatively, so as to avoid, even indirectly, the production of disagreeable sensations.


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