The term stress has been used widely to label an event that puts pressure on a person to cope, adapt or take action. Stress is not necessarily negative. Stress is everywhere. The persons under stress can be seen as the ordinary demands of daily life.Some of these peoples are actually positive experiences, such as getting a raise or falling in love, while others are clearly unpleasant, frustrating or painful. 

Several factors are important in understanding how the person under stress can lead to emotional distress and the fact that they are cumulative and additive. May be you are a well adjusted person. However everyone has a certain limit to the number of stress feelings that are manageable at one time. With an overload of stress, almost anyone can begin to feel overwhelmed. 

Your usual means of coping become taxed, and you may develop physical and emotional symptoms like fatigue, headaches, insomnia, irritability or tension.

How to manage the stress? A person who is encountering a good deal of stress in life and yet solidly believes that " I can see the light at the end of the tunnel" may feel pressured or stressed to a degree, but generally can cope well without developing marked stress- related symptoms. 

The perception of having control over stress and of confidence in the ability to manage the demands in a potent way keeps people afloat.

For such people, stressful events may even be seen as challenges or opportunities for new growth.

However,  a lack of confidence or sense of powerlessness in the face of stressful events often can lead to tremendous emotional despair and ineffective coping.

At times, people are simply bombarded by too many stress at a given time. And finally others may have grown up in a way in which they never learned effective coping skills. 


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