It is not important that on going relationship is totally without friction. Some degree of conflict, disagreement and disappointment is the rule in all good families, marriages and friendships. One of the hallmarks of emotional maturity is to be willing and able to really stick it out with others during difficult times.

However, it is right to say that some relationships are toxic. Regardless of attempts to work through problems, the friction and conflict are so severe that one or more people in the relationship continue to be hurt and in such a relationship leaves at least one person stranded in an emotional desert. 

If fact, the awareness that a relationship may be destructive can be obscured by blinders of hopefulness and denial. And it is a fact that this kind of denial may last a lifetime, or it may give way to an increasingly clear but painful awareness that the relationship is not healthy. 

This kind of awareness may dawn on someone gradually, or it can become immediately apparent through an intense event or interaction. 

Yes, we can say, at first , simple awareness of t5he toxic nature of the relationship can be a major source of emotional shock or poignant disappointment. 

We can't say that the people involved in a toxic relationship are bad. The chemistry, yes, the chemistry between them is not right, we can say like that. 

It is a natural rule that one person's style simply doesn't mesh with the other. I am not saying that it is for all. May be there was a good fit or good chemistry at some point, but with time, the people havge grown and changed. 

The relationship is not the same. This is not a crime and it is just one aspect of human nature and blaming has no helpful role at all, but it can be toxic all the same. We know, sometimes when there have been good times together and shared lives, the move away from what is now a toxic relationship can be especially difficult. We definitely knew that it is fraught with guilt, loss and remorse. And off course, it is painful. 


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