Ayurveda has cures for most, if not all, chronic ailments. By following the precepts of Ayurveda, most illness (even the common cold) can be avoided. However, there are a number of cases where Ayurvedic medicine cannot have immediate effect and the patient could develop serious or fatal complications.
These include:
1. Acute infections and illness (cholera, typhoid, smallpox, acute meningitis, viral fevers)
2. Emergency surgical cases including all accidents (e.g. appendicitis, hernia, major wounds, intestinal obstructions)
3. Myocardial infraction (heart attacks)
Even in such cases, however, Ayurveda has been effectively used in India as an adjunct to modern surgical treatment and medicine.
For example, postoperative recovery in accident victims can be much quicker if Ayurvedic massage is used with physiotherapy.
Ayurvedic oils such as:
Sahacharadia Thailam
Maharajaprasarini Thailam
Gandha Thailam
Kottamchukkadi Thailam
have a magical effect on the speed of recovery of sports injuries and post-surgical cases.
A number of ayurvedic medicines are also used by Western trained physicians in India as adjuncts to Western medicine.
The conventional ayurvedic physician will frown and disapprove of such mixed therapies, but in the hectic modern world, where few patients follow the ayurvedic way of life, there are conditions that require emergency treatment where powerful modern medicine has a role to play.
How to apply Ayurveda to our Daily Lives?
Ayurveda is useful for the treatment of almost any condition, as it addresses the body as a whole. The following conditions in particular should respond to treatment.
Digestive complaints such as irritable bowel syndrome, constipation and indigestion.
Skin Problems
Back Pain
Eye Disease
Rheumatoid Arthritis
High Blood Pressure
Circulatory problems
Headaches and migraines
Paralysis (partial and complete)
Irritability and emotional stress
Ayurveda has cures for most, if not all, chronic ailments. By following the precepts of Ayurveda, most illness (even the common cold) can be avoided. However, there are a number of cases where Ayurvedic medicine cannot have immediate effect and the patient could develop serious or fatal complications.
These include:
1. Acute infections and illness (cholera, typhoid, smallpox, acute meningitis, viral fevers)
2. Emergency surgical cases including all accidents (e.g. appendicitis, hernia, major wounds, intestinal obstructions)
3. Myocardial infraction (heart attacks)
Even in such cases, however, Ayurveda has been effectively used in India as an adjunct to modern surgical treatment and medicine.
For example, postoperative recovery in accident victims can be much quicker if Ayurvedic massage is used with physiotherapy.
Ayurvedic oils such as:
Sahacharadia Thailam
Maharajaprasarini Thailam
Gandha Thailam
Kottamchukkadi Thailam
have a magical effect on the speed of recovery of sports injuries and post-surgical cases.
A number of ayurvedic medicines are also used by Western trained physicians in India as adjuncts to Western medicine.
The conventional ayurvedic physician will frown and disapprove of such mixed therapies, but in the hectic modern world, where few patients follow the ayurvedic way of life, there are conditions that require emergency treatment where powerful modern medicine has a role to play.
How to apply Ayurveda to our Daily Lives?
Ayurveda is useful for the treatment of almost any condition, as it addresses the body as a whole. The following conditions in particular should respond to treatment.
Digestive complaints such as irritable bowel syndrome, constipation and indigestion.
Skin Problems
Back Pain
Eye Disease
Rheumatoid Arthritis
High Blood Pressure
Circulatory problems
Headaches and migraines
Paralysis (partial and complete)
Irritability and emotional stress
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