Note : It is not a prediction, but little facts about the Number 1 man in Numerology.
If you find anybody in any office bossing over others and he need not necessarily be the head of the office, he may be a member of the staff , most probably he will be number 1 man, that is, he would have been born on the 1st, 10th, 19th or 28th of any month. The tendency to dominate others is an inborn trait of anyone born under the birth number 1.
You can easily spot the man in a crowd. He may be in a hotel eating with his friends and he will be the person ordering the menu for the others. Don't be under the impression, he is going to pay the bill. He may or may not.
In any society, he will be the arguing type, stubborn in his views and go to any extent to convince others of his point of view.
Not that every number 1 man would create history or find a place in the pages of history. You can find a number 1 man even in a work shop or repair shop where he will be trying something new, some innovation that would satisfy his ego.
He becomes very reasonable, the moment you start praising him and all that he wants is his authority should not be questioned. He is not a bad guy, the only thing is you should know how to deal with him. He is fond of praise and experts his ego to be satisfied.
He is always ambitious. But he is also cunning enough to hide his ambition in a pretense of modesty. They take pride into making very high love score, not that their conquest is many but they satisfy their ego by making others believe that they are more fortunate than others with the Cupid.
Even in sexual prowess, they desire to be considered very powerful and so invent stories to prove their dreams.
Means, Number q person is creative, talented and often hard working and very often with an ambition. Whatever may be the field of his activity, he likes to reach for the top and other things being equal he reaches the top. The unfortunate thing with number 1 people is that they become indolent when their ego is bruised. They always need understanding partner to push them into action, if you understand the basic trait of number 1 person and act in harmony with it he is hooked.
Note : It is not a prediction, but little facts about the Number 1 man in Numerology.
If you find anybody in any office bossing over others and he need not necessarily be the head of the office, he may be a member of the staff , most probably he will be number 1 man, that is, he would have been born on the 1st, 10th, 19th or 28th of any month. The tendency to dominate others is an inborn trait of anyone born under the birth number 1.
You can easily spot the man in a crowd. He may be in a hotel eating with his friends and he will be the person ordering the menu for the others. Don't be under the impression, he is going to pay the bill. He may or may not.
In any society, he will be the arguing type, stubborn in his views and go to any extent to convince others of his point of view.
Not that every number 1 man would create history or find a place in the pages of history. You can find a number 1 man even in a work shop or repair shop where he will be trying something new, some innovation that would satisfy his ego.
He becomes very reasonable, the moment you start praising him and all that he wants is his authority should not be questioned. He is not a bad guy, the only thing is you should know how to deal with him. He is fond of praise and experts his ego to be satisfied.
He is always ambitious. But he is also cunning enough to hide his ambition in a pretense of modesty. They take pride into making very high love score, not that their conquest is many but they satisfy their ego by making others believe that they are more fortunate than others with the Cupid.
Even in sexual prowess, they desire to be considered very powerful and so invent stories to prove their dreams.
Means, Number q person is creative, talented and often hard working and very often with an ambition. Whatever may be the field of his activity, he likes to reach for the top and other things being equal he reaches the top. The unfortunate thing with number 1 people is that they become indolent when their ego is bruised. They always need understanding partner to push them into action, if you understand the basic trait of number 1 person and act in harmony with it he is hooked.
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