New Delhi: Sanjay Dutt on Wednesday successfully invoked the Supreme Court's mercy to get a four week extension of his surrender deadline even as three of his fellow convicts will have to go back to jail on Thursday.
Dutt was directed by the apex-court, which upheld his conviction under Arms Act for possessing illegal weapons, to surrender by April 18 to serve out the remaining three and a half years of his five year jail term but he pleaded for mercy saying he needed six months to complete his shooting assignments for seven films with Rs.278 crore riding on them.
A bench of Justices P. Sathasivam and B.S. Chauhan took unprecedented recourse to Article 142 of the Constitution- which empowers the apex court to pass any order to do complete justice - to defer Dutt's surrender purely on mercy considerations, the only ground pleaded by his counsel Harish Salve. Brushing aside Dutt's plea in the application that non-extension of surrender deadline could seriously jeopardize the film producers' commercial interests, the bench said six month extension, as sought by Dutt, was out of question.
New Delhi: Sanjay Dutt on Wednesday successfully invoked the Supreme Court's mercy to get a four week extension of his surrender deadline even as three of his fellow convicts will have to go back to jail on Thursday.
Dutt was directed by the apex-court, which upheld his conviction under Arms Act for possessing illegal weapons, to surrender by April 18 to serve out the remaining three and a half years of his five year jail term but he pleaded for mercy saying he needed six months to complete his shooting assignments for seven films with Rs.278 crore riding on them.
A bench of Justices P. Sathasivam and B.S. Chauhan took unprecedented recourse to Article 142 of the Constitution- which empowers the apex court to pass any order to do complete justice - to defer Dutt's surrender purely on mercy considerations, the only ground pleaded by his counsel Harish Salve. Brushing aside Dutt's plea in the application that non-extension of surrender deadline could seriously jeopardize the film producers' commercial interests, the bench said six month extension, as sought by Dutt, was out of question.
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