Note : It is not a prediction, but little facts about the Number 2 women in Numerology. 

Person born on 2nd, 11th, 20th and 29th of any month are number 2 persons. 

It is a common sight in cities, adolescent girls completely engrossed in the cutout of their film heroes, quite oblivious of the surroundings. Don't mistake them, they are fantasizing a rendezvous with the hero. They are quite aware it is not possible in real life but takes a vicarious pleasure in dreaming their own dreams. In all probability they are number 2 girls giving  full play to their imagination. Number 2 women are those born on 2nd, 11th, 20th and 29th day of any month. 

They are very touchy and spend most of their time dreaming their future. In the office, where they work, they flirt with the men they like, not that they have any plans of hooking them up, but play it their way to satisfy their own imagination. They don't like to be a wallflower and when that happens they get into a mood of depression. They like to dress well and many fashion creators are number 2 women. In the boutiques, the number 2 women make bulk purchases. Sitting before the mirrors is a hobby with them and they like to be photographed in various costumes and poses.

They easily get emotionally involved, with men and when their affection is not properly reciprocated they take it to heart. They are emotionally strong and their moods often oscillate like pendulum.

When  once they are emotionally involved, they are ready to make any sacrifice to prove their affection.

In their work they tend to be slipshod, not because they are not efficient, but, because their concentration easily shifts from one thing to another.

In a group of loud mouthed women, if you see one who is shy and retiring, you can easily spot her as a number 2 woman. She is very imaginative and draws a mental picture of her future husband and when the real husband, does not match to her imaginary husband she becomes frustrated with domestic life. She must guard against this pitfall and should understand imaginations rarely tally with the real. 

The chief drawback with the number 2 women is that they often think the other pasture is greener than their own. It is a fallacy they should scrupulously avoid. If they use their imagination in constructive channels, they can groom themselves as popular writers, and artists. As designers, they can make a roaring success. Number 2 women have great talent for novelties and should put it good use in a field they like most.

They are auspicious by nature and if they carry it too far in domestic life, they may inadvertently bread the home. They are very possessive and if the husband has a good word about another woman, they mistake if for love of the woman. They should learn to take the shortcomings of life in their stride and put a rein to their imagination from running riot.

When a person happens to have number 2 woman as his wife, he must give a margin to heer emotional tantrums and should be frank with her and sort out things patiently. The number 2 women are soft and tender as tendrils and they need a strong support to climb around. The husband should provide the support and should not mind her childlike outburst. She should be fondled as a baby and once she is made to feel emotionally secure, she would give the husband all the pleasures of a devoted and loving wife.


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