If you have a computer/laptop and a high speed internet connection and a mind to work hard, American Dollars will knock your door step, without information. It’s blogging. A good blogger can make good money easily after some years of hard working. It’s not a fast money making system.

There is www.twitter.com, there is www.facebook.com. But blog is stronger than all these other social mediums. Because has its own life. Now a days, personal blogs are disappeared and professional blogs entered in the scene, instead.

There are thousands of good blogs, earning lacks of rupees per month. How it sounds? ... Good. Eh..

The first thing, we need is a subject. What subject will choose for a good blog? If you are a retired person from Insurancesection, you must write about insurance policies. No one can write as good as, you about insurance, because you have the knowledge about almost all services providing by an Insurance Company. You can guide people about good insurance policies. How to claim an Insurance Policy? , What should be the main points to be noted before applying for a Life Insurance policy and a term policy? You can even compare the policies of master players in insurance sector.

Not only insurance, but also you can share your cooking experience, travelogue, with good packages, gossips of film / cinema media, photos, videos, sharing thoughts about good books, education and what not? Even you can make a blog on good blogging too.
Before starting, just search of search engines like www.yahoo.com and www.google.com about your subject and see the results thoroughly. The first page results are your opponent on that particular subject. Refer it and make a different thought about your subject. Beware, do not copy paste anything from anywhere, because searching engines dislike the copy cats.


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