

It says that if you are born in between 21 March and 19 April, you are an ARIES - THE RAM.

This is the first sign in Zodiac and is concerned with 
- self -assertion, initiation, new beginnings
- action, daring, challenge, adventure
- exploration, pioneering, discovering
- aggression, creativity, personal goals
- personal control of everything
- competition, winning, being first
- courage, honesty, nobility, openness 

What is the elemental quality of ARIES?

Aries is the cardinal fire sign of the zodiac. It can be likened to a fire which gives direction, such as in a rocket, a gun or an engine. Superwoman and Superman, who can propel themselves in any direction, are good metaphors of Aries energy. Fire is a process that causes change and Aries uses energy to bring about changes. Being a cardinal sign, Aries is the most energetic of the fire signs and usually takes the initiative. 

What is the spiritual goal of Aries?

To learn the meaning of selfless love 

Define an Arien personality 

These are the general personality traits found in people who are typical of Aries. An unhappy or frustrated Aries may display some of the not-so-attractive traits. 


- is a leader
- is energetic
-helps others to achieve their dreams
-accepts challenges
-believes the best of others
-takes risks for others
-defends the vulnerable
-an aries life is an open book
- will give life for the loved one
-continues action even if others give up. 


-must be the boss
-blind to his or her effect on others
-doesn't listen
-poor judge of character 
-dislikes being told what to do

What is Secret Aries ?

Inside anyone who has strong Aries influences is a person who thinks that he or she is more interesting than others and better than those with whom they are in competition. it is patently obvious to all that Aries is interested in winning, whoever or whatever the challenge. A fight, a race, a bit of physical or verbal sparring or an opportunity to do things in new ways are what keep the Aries fires burning bright. Aries is an original, and being first lights him or her up.

Aries has to be number one in every respect. The secret fear of a typical Aries is that he or she won't be liked or valued, even though a winner. However, failure is never a problem because Aries doesn;t know the word... every outcome is seen as a part of the winning process, which is why warnings of impending disasters are usually ignored. 

What are ruling planet and its effect?

Mars rules the zodiac sign of Aries, so anyone whose birth chart has a strong Aries influence will tend to look for challenges to overcome. In astrology, Mars is the planet of aggressive energy and creative action. Like Mars, Aries is the knight in shining Armour, an inspiration to friends and a conquering hero to the underdog. 

What give luck to Aries?

Colors - Red, Black and White
Plant - Tiger Lilly
Metal - Iron
Gemstones - Ruby, Diamond
Animals - Ram and Lamb


  1. astrology stone
    The Gemstones suggested by Vedic Astrology to harness the energies of the sacred nine planets-Navagrah are called as Astrological Stones or Astrological Gemstones


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