21 MAY – 20 JUNE
Gemini is the third sign of the zodiac is concerned with:
- - Communication, articulation, speech
- -Dexterity, nimbleness, light-footdness
- -Wit, instinct, persuasion, change, variety
- -Movement, curiosity, exploration, short journeys
- -Education, learning, collecting facts
- -Attention to details, adaptability
- - Intellect, intuition, youth, freedom
What are the elemental qualities of a Gemini?
Gemini is the mutable air sign of the zodiac. It can be likened to the wind in that It is constantly on the move in all its variety. Air is a metaphor for the invisible thoughts and ideas that motivate Gemini, such as the intellect, the intuition and the natural instincts. The quality known as mutable means adaptable, changeable, agreeable. Gemini constantly adjusts ideas in an attempt to create harmony.
Spiritual Goal of Gemini
To learn how to cooperate.
The Geminian personality
These are the general personality traits found in people who are typical of Gemini. An unhappy or frustrated Gemini may display some of the not-so-attractive traits.
Characteristics of Gemini
- -Inquisitive
- -Entertaining and charming
- -Versatile
- -Liberal, broad minded
- -Youthful
- -Quick
- -Stimulating
- - Inventive
- -Never prejudiced
- -Restless
- -Quickly bored
- -Impractical
- -Impatient and irritable
- -Capricious and fickle
- -Gossipy
- -Nervous
- -Manipulative
- -Non-committal
- -Dual personality
The Secret Gemini
Inside anyone who has strong Gemini influences is a person, who secretly longs to find his or her true soul-mate, the mysterious twin who will make the Gemini feel complete. The more self-aware Geminis will realize in maturity that the wholeness they seek is to be found within, by gathering together their many parts, especially the earthly twin with the spiritual twin.
Few people listening to a confident Gemini talk with that quicksilver, puck-like charm would ever imagine that the inner Gemini is often feeling desperately alone and lost. Communication is a life-line to Gemini. Contact through words, ideas, gossip or philosophy makes Gemini a happy, inspiring and devoted person.
Ruling planet and its effect
Mercury rules the zodiac sign of Gemini, so anyone whose birth chart has a strong Gemini influence wil tend to be on the go, moving to and fro with many messages like the fleet-footed Mercury of mythology, who was the eloquent messenger of the gods. Mercury wore a winged helmet and carried the caduceus, a stick round which were entwined twin snakes, which represent the libido and the healing powers of the instinctual mind. In astrology, Mercury is the planet of thought and communication, and governs all mental and nervous processes. Mercury is the hermaphrodite of the zodiac, taking the neutral position of mediator between the masculine and feminine viewpoints. Mercury is the planet of duality, the translator, who speaks in two languages that link body and soul.
Lucky Connections of Geminian
Color - Orange
Plants - Orchid and hybrids
Perfume - Lavender
Gemstones - Tourmaline and Garnet
Metal - Quicksilver
Animal - Magpie
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