
Yes, I have given this heading, because this article describes how can one earn through affiliate marketing in India?. 

If you  have a website or blog with lots of readers, its a good way to earn a handsome income through affiliate marketing. Its a mutual understanding with giant companies, who gives advertisements of their products on your websites. 

Check the topmost websites, you must find out a link at the bottom called "affiliate" It means they are ready to put their advertisements on good websites and web blogs. 

Click on that "affiliate" link, you will get a code from them. Put the code in your website. Done ! They start sending advertisements links to your website/ blog. 

Most time, online shopping sites are giving such a chance to earn us through affiliate marketing. If somebody clicks on that advertisements on your website / blog and purchase online, you will get a certain percentage of the total purchase value and it is a commission of the purchase value. The rate of commission varies from 10% to 60%.

For example, you have a website viz. and if it is a good one and having good visitors, you can affiliate it with, which is a giant company in online shopping business. 

Open the website See the affiliation link at the bottom ( as shown in the image). Click on it. 

Another window will open ( as shown in the image) 

See the rules and regulations first and if it suits to you, please go ahead and give the details they asked. 

When, we are talking about Indian affiliation, you must keep the scanned copy of your Pan Card, Identity Proof, Blank ( cancelled) cheque etc. if you opt for Electronic Fund Transfer. Otherwise, there is another options too. 

Give your details, such as name, address, mobile numbers, email id etc. for further processing. Before going for it, you must give the link of your website ( eg. and which category ads you need to be served. 

In earlier, days, they fast approved the applications and handed over the link code to you for placing ads on your websites. But, now they are strict for the quality and the viewership of your website and take at least 15 days to check the web history of your website. And if they found your website is worthy, they provide ad codes  and the ads will be content oriented. 

If you have a website for mobile phones, one should reach there for getting new and current details of mobile phones. So Flipkart serve ads related to mobiles and its accessories there. 

You can visit and check the rules and regulations first. Its an example, we said about flipkart. There are hundreds of website, which is providing affiliate program like etc. You can search affiliate marketing India 2016 for more results on Google. 

Its not necessary that you place one company affiliation ads on your website, You can choose another one too. Means, you  or your website doing a broker's job here. But, be sure that your website or blog is content worthy. 

Most affiliation business is focused on technology, fashion and books in India. 

Some links are here: 



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