CANCER : THE CRAB (21 JUNE – 22 JULY) The fourth sign of the zodiac is concerned with -receptivity, sensivity, defence -home, protection, comfort, domesticity -food, nurture, mothering, instincts -nostalgia, sentiments, roots, antiques -money, business, response to public need -dreams, the psychic, telepathy etc -family, history, memory, patriotism Elemental Quality Caner is the cardinal water sign of the zodiac. It can be likened to be a safe harbor where boats can take shelter from the dangers on the sea of life. Water finds its own level – it settles. The metaphorical harbour is the way Cancer provides a safe and organized place for human activity, setting each ship in its allotted place. Spiritual Goal To learn how to take a balanced view of things. THE CANCERIAN PERSONALITY These are the general personality traits found in people who are typical of this sign. An unhappy or frustrated Cancerian may display some of the non-so-attractive traits. CHARACTERISTICS Positive Tenacious Shr...