World Wide Web (www)
World Wide Web (www) is a service provided in Internet. There is a misunderstanding that www and Internet are the same because of the popularity of www. It is an added attraction of Internet. This is not a program or facility of Internet. But still it can be considered as the most useful facility in Internet. www is a network of documents with a software to interact with these documents. Website: Website is a facility to provide information to the world. World Wide Web keeps all websites together. Once a website is created (with the information about a person or about a business, whatever it may be) this information can be accessed by all having Internet connections. Moreover all the websites will have a unique address eg. . Portal and Vortal : This is a website which provides all the information and guidance while using Internet. Yahoo, Altavista etc are well known portal sites. There are many portals which are known nationally and internationally. General portals are k...