Designing a Website
Designing a Website: As mentioned, softwares and languages are used for designing. Let us get familiarized with these tools. 1. Markup Language : The popular language for designing a website is HTML (Hypertext Markup Language). The web designer must be thorough in HTML. The latest version of HTML after debugging and with added advanced features is named DHTML (Dynamic Hypertext Markup Language), which helps us to make website more attractive. Other language, XML (Extensible Markup Language) has more facilities than DHTML. 2. Programming Languages : There are two types of programming languages. a. Client Side. b. Server Side. These are the languages used in e-commerce to handle forms in websites. Java script and VB Script are client side languages. Java script is more popular. m Java and CGI are Server side languages. The client side programme is used in the computer of Internet user and Server side programme is used in the Server where website is installed. 3. Web Designing Softwares: ...