AYURVEDA - the Life Science
AYURVEDA - the Life Science Ayurveda and its relation to Indian Philosophy is derived from the Vedas, the divine Hindu Books of knowledge. The aim or Ayurveda is not only healing of the sick, but the prevention of illness and the preservation of life, and to that way it comprises a noble system of living that makes Ayurveda the most complete system of medicine and health care we know today. Now a question is arise in your mind? What is Ayurveda? What is Ayurvedic Medicine? Ayurveda is a comprehensive system of health care and its many elements work together for specific illnesses. Some of the elements of Ayurvedic medicine include: Detoxification by Panchakarma Diet Yoga Herbal Medication Meditation and prayer. The basic Ayurvedic belief is that everything within the universe, including ourselves, is composed of five elements called Panchamahabhutas ( Air, Fire, Water, Earth and Ether(space) ) and tridoshas (Vata, Pitta and Kafa) . By correcting the balance of the trodisha...